Julkaisut tunnisteella Tapahtuma
Music, Research, and Activism II: Solidarities and Urgencies, 14–16 May 2025

How do music scholars engage with activist research? How are Black feminist and Indigenous perspectives applied in music research? How can music and music research advance equality, equity, human rights, or ecological sustainability? What could music researchers and practitioners do in our contemporary world characterized by climate emergency, ecocide, racism, gender and sexual discrimination, war, conflict, and humanitarian crises? How are solidarities being built and reimagined, and how is urgency present in music and among activists and researchers working with music?

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Music, Research, and Activism 10–12 May 2023

The conference Music, Research and Activism seeks to bring together scholars and practitioners engaged in music, research, and activism in different disciplines and scholarly traditions. Activist research may be motivated with environmental and social movements and struggles, as well as with topical crises and conflicts such as climate emergency, ecological catastrophes, wars and conflicts, forced migration, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Suoni RySuoniTapahtuma, in english
T-Bone Slim (Matt Valentin Huhta, 1882–1942) – A poet, a radical and a hobo

The seminar brings together researchers and artists to discuss the life and works of “T-Bone Slim”. This was the literary pseudonym of Matt Valentininpoika Huhta, born in Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio 1882 and died in New York 1942. Matt Huhta was born in a Finnish immigrant family from Kälviä, but created his literary career in English. T-Bone Slim was one of the most celebrated songwriters of IWW (International Workers of the World). His songs “Popular Wobbly” and “Lumberjack’s Prayer” have been performed by many American folk musicians. His songs, columns and aphorisms inspired the Chicago surrealist movement and the civil rights movement in the 1960s.

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Suoni RySuoniTapahtuma
Music and Racism in Europe 20.-22.10.2021

Race is among the most significant social categories that informs and organises understandings of music. Although there is an abundance of music research that deals with BIPOC minorities and, at least implicitly, also with race, few studies explicitly address how processes of for example racialisation, essentialisation, appropriation and exclusion in music and music research can effectively be categorised as racist. However, recently there has been an increasing interest in the issue of racism in the field of music and music scholarship and this international online symposium seeks to bring together researchers across disciplines to discuss music and racism particularly as it relates to Europe.

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Suoni RySuoniTapahtuma, in english
Laaja artikkelikokoelma Työväen taide ja kulttuuri muutosvoimana ilmestyy syyskuussa 

Laajssa artikkelikokoelmassa käsitellään muun muassa musiikkia, teatteria, kirjallisuutta ja kuvataidetta – iltamia, käsityökulttuuria, lyhytelokuvia, proletaarinäytelmiä, propagandakuvia, performanssia, laulujuhlia, arkkiveisuja, kisälli- ja ympäristölauluja. Näkökulmat vaihtelevat affektien politiikasta naisliikkeeseen ja taistolaisuudesta prekaariin 2000-lukuun.

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Manifestin julkaisutilaisuus Tiedekulman Fönsterissä pe. 22.2 klo 17.00

Kuuden musiikintutkijan kirjoittama kirja "Musiikki muutosvoimana: Aktivistisen musiikintutkimuksen manifesti"" käsittelee musiikin tutkimuksen mahdollisuuksia toimia ympäristöllisesti ja yhteiskunnallisesti oikeudenmukaisemman maailman puolesta. Perjantaina 22.2. klo 17 Tiedekulman Fönsterissä (Yliopistonkatu 4, 00100 Helsinki) järjestettävässä manifestin julkaisutilaisuudessa keskustellaan teoksen teemoista.

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